Complete dog food for dogs of smaller breeds

mini sensitive

Our new formula: BEWI DOG® mini sensitive for adult dogs of small and medium breeds, for example terriers, maltese, dachshunds and pugs. Extra small croquettes with easily digestible lamb and millet.


  • Ratio of animal protein to total protein: 75 %
  • Easily digestible thanks to the use of lamb & millet
  • Promotes skin and fur with brewers´ yeast and lecithin,
  • Mannan oligosaccharides (MOS) from the cell walls of brewers‘ yeast promote healthy digestion and help to improve immunity


Poultry protein (25 %); Maize; Rice; Maize middlings; Lamb protein (5 %); Millet (5 %); Poultry fat; Vegetable oil (palm, coconut); Brewers’ yeast, dried (2,5 %); Carob pods, dried; Dried beet pulp, desugared; Egg, dried; Poultry liver, hydrolysed; Sodium chloride; Potassium chloride

Nutritional values of all varieties in comparison

Product guarantee

  • Produced without the use of wheat and grain containing gluten
  • Made without soya products.
  • No artificial colourings, flavourings or preservatives.
  • natural anti-oxidants

Feeding recommendation

Recommended quantity of food per animal in g/day

3 kg*60 g
15 kg*200 g
5 kg*90 g20 kg*250 g
10 kg*150 g25 kg*300 g

* adult weight

Personal consultation

Would you like to know more about our BEWI DOG® dog food range? Please leave your name and email address.
